Monday, March 2, 2015

MARCH IS HERE! (week of Mar. 2-6)

March is finally here!  The countdown to Spring is upon us and I know I am ready for it!  Ready to get outside on a daily basis (maybe even without taking 20 minutes to get dressed to get out there) and ready to open up the windows and let some fresh air in!  Especially after the last week!

The stomach bug pretty much wiped daycare out the end of last week!  It happened fast and pretty much the only people that survived it were the people that were gone the beginning part of the week! It effected not only most of the kids, but some parents and grandparents as well. That was a good reminder to all parents though why exactly daycares and schools have the 24 hour rule!  Even though there is a good chance that people were already exposed to it prior to the first person showing symptoms, if everyone stays home for 24 hours (at a minimum) after any vomiting, diarrhea, fever...etc it can help prevent some people from getting sick.  Thankfully, this round I survived, but if sick children come to daycare and I end up getting it, I would have to close- resulting in parents missing work anyway!  So thank you all for keeping your kids home and giving them the care they need when they are sick.  Especially with multiple families heading out for vacation in the upcoming weeks- lets all try to stay healthy now!!!!

This week at daycare we have Travel Tots on Tuesday with Ms. Beth at 9am, please have your children here by then so they can participate in class.

We will also start our March curriculum. Our Themes are "Things in the Sky" a unit all about things that fly and "Springtime"  I will send home our Monthly newsletter in the next day or so!

We were able to get outside one day last week- hoping to make that least 3 this week!  Please be sure to have your child's snow gear here every day.  And also as a reminder, when the weather starts to warm up and everything melts- kids go home wet and muddy!  Please make sure the next day that their mittens, hats, snow pants, etc are dry before coming to daycare!  Wet hands= cold, chapped hands!

Monday: Hot dogs, green beans, oranges and milk
Tuesday: Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwiches, sweet potato fries, pears and milk
Wednesday: Sloppy Joes, carrots, apples and milk
Thursday: Chicken Tacos, corn, applesauce and milk
Friday: Chicken Nuggets, peas, fruit cocktail and milk

REMINDER: Closed, March 11-17 for vacation!  If you are on auto pay, payments will go through as regularly scheduled. If you pay by check, please give me a check for the week of March 16 prior to my vacation so I can give it to my mom to be deposited on the 16th.  Thank you!

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