Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 30th- October 4th

What a wonderful thing to be able to wear shorts still while we greet October!  This Fall has had beautiful weather!  I personally hope it continues as long as possible!  in fact, all the way to March would be great!

We are still waiting for our October curriculum to arrive, so this week we will start with some Halloween crafts to decorate daycare!

There are no classes this week.  So we will talk every opportunity to be outside!  May even walk to the park one afternoon!

Peek a boo!

Fun in the sun!

Monday- Tacquitos, carrots, fruit cocktail and milk
Tuesday- Hot dogs, green beans, peaches and milk
Wednesday-Grilled Ham and Cheese, applesauce, corn and milk
Thursday- Cheeseburger Macaroni, pears, carrots w/ranch and milk
Friday- Egg and Sausage Scramble, hash browns, orange slices and milk

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