Wednesday, May 2, 2012



It’s a Jungle out there!  And we are about to get pretty wild in here!!!  The theme for this month is Jungle Jamboree!  I am sure this will be a wild and crazy month full of fun activities, crafts and some great songs!  The colors we will be working on will be blue and green and the letters are Z, G and A.  The numbers for the month are 19-20 (your older child should now be able to identify 1-20 correctly.)  and the shape is an octagon!  We will learn about jungle animals, what they eat, where they live…etc! 

Sometime this month, I will be sending home the extra clothes bins to change out the winter long pants and long sleeves for shorts and t-shirts, as well as a swim suit.  If your child is not fully potty trained, they will be required to also have swim diapers whenever we are in the pool/sprinkler.  Please send a package of those as well. One package should last the whole summer.  If you could also put your child’s initials on the tag of their clothes, that would be helpful so they don’t get mixed up!


Wednesday, May 9- Travel Tots with Ms. Jeanette- 11:15

Friday, May 11- Music class with Tasha, 11:00

Mon. May 14- Beau’s 3rd birthday celebration!

Friday, May 18:  Picnic at the park- BRING A BAG LUNCH

Friday, May 18: Logan’s 6th birthday celebration!

Wed. May 23- Travel Tots with Ms. Jeanette- 11:15


Mon. May 28- Closed for Memorial Day

            As June approaches you will be seeing Erin here more and more all the way through the summer!  The kids are so excited whenever I tell them Erin will be here!

            I hope everyone enjoys what is left of Spring…soon it will officially be Summer!  YEAH!


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