Friday, September 30, 2011

October Newsletter

Where did September go?!  Time is going by too fast!

In October, we have some fun things planned!  Our school theme for the month is "Ocean Commotion."  And there are tons of fun activities to go along with our curriculum!

We will be learning about the letter Ss, Oo and Dd.  While we are learning the letters, I will also be introducing the sounds they make using the "Jolly Phonics" system they use in kindergarten at Bel Air.  Each letter/sound has a hand or body gesture to go with it.  It is just something extra your child can associate the sound with and will help them remember our sounds!  It is been very effective with Logan this fall in kindergarten.  He is already reading some three letter words with the 13 letters they have focused on this month.

Our numbers for the month are 3 and 4.  And we will be learning about the triangle. And of course our colors are blue and purple to go with our ocean theme!

I am really working on recognizing and writing (or tracing) names with the 3 and 4 year olds.  The first step to doing this and recognizing their name.  I have names on our cubbies, names on our chairs at the lunch table, etc.  Make sure you are working on ALL the letters in your child's name since 3 out of 4 of the boys all start with J, they really struggle with whose is whose!

Once they can recognize their name, then I have them practice tracing it.  Typically, I will use a marker and write it myself, then have them write over it.  It is very important that they start working on holding a pencil or marker correctly...with their fingers not their WHOLE hand.  As they start tracing the name correctly, then I switch to a lighter colored marker, or start dotting their name, making them work a little harder to do it on their own.  We always do it with an uppercase letter at the beginning and then the rest are lower case.  It doesn't make sense to teach it one way (all uppercase) and then make them learn it a whole new way before school!

Wednesday, Oct. 5- Travel Tots 11:10-12:10
Tuesday, Oct. 11- OCEAN SHOW AND TELL!   
Friday, Oct.14: Music Class 11:00-11:30
Wednesday, Oct. 19- Travel Tots, 11:10-12:10
Monday, Oct. 31- HALLOWEEN PARTY- Come dressed in your Halloween costume for a fun party.  PLEASE BRING A BAG WITH CLOTHES TO CHANGE INTO AFTER OUR PARTY.

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